Short Biography

Dr. Jillian Scott was born in Melbourne Australia in 1952. Currently, she makes art, writes books and co-directs the LASER Salon in Zurich for Leonardo Society USA. She is professor emerita at the Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts, at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZhdK) in Zürich and founded their Artists-in-Labs Program in 2000. She was the Vice Director of the Z-Node program- Planetary Collegium with 16 PhD graduates in clusters of art and science at the University of Plymouth, UK (2000 to 2016). She has published 8 books on art and science. She has served on many boards and juries including Sitemapping (BAK Switzerland) ISEA international Advisory Board (IAAC), Australian Research Council and the Forsight Commission of the Department of Informatics, University of Copenhagen Denmark.

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